Bitcoin confidently takes the position of the most valuable, strong, and popular cryptocurrency. BTC coins are becoming the dream of everyone looking for options for cool earnings on the Internet, from mining to trading and investing in promising projects. But having received the coveted “digital gold”, its happy owner asks how to exchange Bitcoins for euro, the answer to which literally lies on the surface – on the Bestchange platform. There are offers from the best electronic exchangers. But we will talk about the exchange and the secrets of a profitable deal.
Competent choice of the period for exchanging BTC for Euro
When exchanging BitCoin cryptocurrency for Euro cash, the goal is to hand over digital coins more expensively and get more American currency in return. To do this, you need to choose the right period.
Although Bitcoin is the most expensive crypto, like the rest, it is subject to high volatility. Its price fluctuates depending on demand, investor sentiment, news, and even political events. The change Bitcoin (BTC) to Cash EUR will be profitable when the crypto rate grows and when it reaches peak prices.
In order for the deal to be profitable, do not forget about the proven pattern: a fall in the rate is always followed by its growth. In early August 2024, BTC owners were upset by another sharp fall in the rate: on the 2nd, coins were traded at a price of 65 thousand dollars, and from the evening of the 4th, they began to rapidly lose value, and on the 6th were no longer worth more than 55 thousand dollars. Those who took their time and took a break breathed a sigh of relief in the fall. In particular, on November 8, the exchange rate of bitcoins for US dollars was 75 thousand dollars. Now, use the Bitcoin calculator to see the colossal difference in numbers.
Nuances of a profitable deal
The next secret of a profitable deal is the right choice of the counterparty (the buyer of bitcoins) and eliminating unnecessary costs when concluding it. The easiest way to make an exchange is to contact an online exchanger. This is a resource specializing in the conversion of electronic and fiat currencies. Today, there are many online exchange platforms, and all set their own terms for the transaction. Monitoring of well-known famous exchangers will help you choose a reliable resource offering profitable cooperation. When choosing a service, consider:
• the main exchange rate;
• the amount of the exchanger’s commission;
• individual conditions;
• additional costs for receiving cash euro (bank commission, percentage for partner services (if involved)).
Viewing the results of monitoring exchangers provides reliable information about the conditions of different services. After comparing and choosing a resource, the exchange transaction is completed in a couple of clicks.
Is a crypto exchange always the best resource?
A cryptocurrency exchange can also offer a profitable exchange, where Bitcoin is traded an order of magnitude lower than in electronic exchangers. However, using an exchange platform is more difficult. There, you need to register and go through identity verification, and you have to wait longer for a counteroffer for the placed order. Withdrawal fees are always charged. Often, they are what turn a profitable deal into an unprofitable one compared to a quick exchange in an independent electronic exchanger.